How long have you been training with the club? 
I have been training with the club since March 2013.
Why did you join?
I joined because I had heard a little about kettlebells and seen pictures of people who had made quite dramatic changes to their body shape by attending the classes so i thought I would give it a go and see what it was all about.
What was your perception of kettlebell training before starting? Were you apprehensive? 
I was very apprehensive before joining as I wasn’t too familiar with the term “kettlebell” and therefore didn’t really know what to expect and whether I would like it. I always get nervous starting a new class as hate being the “new kid on the block” so to speak but everyone there made me feel so welcome.
How has the training changed your life? What specific benefits have you received? 
I’ve now been with the club for over 4.5yrs. Initially I wanted to get some shape back after having my son. I felt like I’d lost my waist after having him so I was keen to tone up a little and maybe lose weight. Also my thoughts were to get back into some sort of fitness regime as it would be a bit of “me” time. Years later I am still here which I think speaks volumes. The trainers are all fantastic and make sure that you are using the bells correctly as you could easily damage yourself. Advice is always there if needed and the friends I have made whilst being at the club will be friends for life. 

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What do you like most about training with the kettlebell club? 
I really like the attentiveness of the trainers, correcting us when we go wrong. I particularly like the fact that there are numerous classes where I live so I can go up for 5 times per week if I want to. Monthly membership means that I can attend as many or as little classes as I want. The best thing about the club for me is that I can see and feel the benefits by way of my body shape changing. I got my waist back and have definitely toned up and the strength that I now have is incredible. I also like the fact that the classes are for all levels. You don’t have to keep up with everyone else, you can take it at your own pace – this is key as for most people I think the fear is that you will not be good enough or able enough to keep up and therefore you worry that you will look foolish. The club doesn’t make anyone feel like that.
Do you have any goals you are working on, or is there something you want to get better at?
After just completing a 6 week weight loss competition with the club (which I must add is not compulsory), I found that working out 3-4 times every week was having a huge positive impact on my body. I was getting more definition in my arms and legs and along with 6 weeks of eating healthy, I dramatically changed my body shape and lost weight in the process. It just showed me that eating sensibly and attending more classes than just the two I used to do, was changing me for the better and I felt so much better for it. More energy. My goal now is to not slip back to two classes a week but to try and keep it up to three or four every week and to continue to eat healthy. I’ve now seen what my body can do and I am keen to progress this further. 
I’m also keen to sharpen up some of my techniques and maybe drop the weight so that I can get the technique nailed down and then steadily increase the weight again.

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If there is someone out there thinking about joining up, what would you say to them?
If you are thinking of joining but are a little apprehensive then don’t be. We are such a friendly bunch and have new people joining all the time so it’s unlikely that you’d be on your own and if you are then we are a fab bunch who make sure that no-one ever gets left out or made to feel like the new person. Perhaps you should just pop along to a class and just watch what goes on to give you an idea. I promise you, you won’t regret it.