A gym in the palm of your hand!
Mobility, flexibility, strength and endurance all rolled into one cute lil ball of iron!

I did no cardio exercise for years!
Whilst lifting weights is something I’ve always enjoyed, I can not say the same for cardio exercise.
That was up until 2009 when I got my first job in a gym as a Personal trainer and discovered kettlebells.
After realising that this was something I enjoyed, I set about learning as much as I could in order to bring kettlebell training to the masses !
Over the last 13+ years I’ve racked up over 10,000 hours of coaching every day folk who want to get stronger, and have become a coach to coaches who want to spread the good word about kettlebells.
Keep reading to see what my clients and club members have got to
say about this method of training and my coaching ability.
Build your strength and fitness in the same session
Here are the 4 options to get started with us.

Kettlebell classes
Small group training
8 week program
Kettlebell programs to follow at home
Kettlebell training – Your most convenient workout option!

8 weeks to becoming the best version of you!
Sometimes, we all just need a bit of help…
If you’ve tried all sorts of diet plans and programs and had little success at getting the body of your dreams, our 8 week program is for you.
Combining 8 weeks of kettlebell training and 8 weeks of nutritional 1-2-1 coaching. It’s a perfect combination to finally getting a handle on your health and waistline.
The truth is – Having weekly guidance and support from a coach who understands your struggles and can advise you what the next steps are is a necessary requirement for most people to finally “crack the code” on their own weight loss journey.
If this is something that interests you and you’d like to learn more, click here
Try a Kettlebell class risk free!
Curious to find out what a kettlebell class is all about?
For a limited time, grab a free session pass to our Wednesday night (7-8pm) class where you’ll be coached through 60 minutes of strength exercises designed to tone and strengthen every muscle in your body!

Come to a beginner Kettlebell class
Our third option to get started with us, is to come to our Saturday morning (10-11am) session where you’ll be taught the basic movements in a small group of 3 people or less.
The amount of sessions you need here will vary between 1-6 dependant on your training experience and athletic ability.
What our club members say
Club members fat loss results
There's more!
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Our Recent Blog posts
Building muscle – A beginners guide
In this article you will learn 3 of the most important lessons you need to know in order to maximise your time spent in the gym. Muscle building is a slow process, you need
Minimalist Muscle and fat loss program – 1 hour per week!
Kettlebell training program Follow the progressions in this free kettlebell training program, and build muscle, strength and fitness with only hour training time per week! That might sound unrealistic, but if you follow the
Kettlebell conditioning workout
Kettlebell workouts can be as easy or hard as you want them to be. Here we have a descending snatch ladder with an ascending push up ladder, move through this one with minimal rest
Frequently Asked Questions
How effective is kettlebell training ?
If you spend some time to read through our client testimonials you’ll hear how kettlebell training has helped people lose lots of weight, get rid of knee and back pain, tone their arms and shoulders, build muscle and strength, ignite a passion for all things health and fitness related and the list goes on and on. I don’t know of any other single training modality that can do all of these things. So yes, kettlebell training is effective. Very effective!
Do kettlebells burn belly fat?
Kettlebell training + a nutrient dense diet will produce exceptional fat loss. This is something that we educate on in our 8 week program.
How heavy of a kettlebell should I use?
You need to use a weight that is somewhat challenging. If a weight is too light you can end up using the wrong muscles to move it.
Can you get in shape with just kettlebells ?
Absolutely. A search on Pubmed will produce over 100 kettlebell studies, showing good efficacy for strength development, cardiovascular conditioning, injury rehab and fat loss.
How long does it take to see results with kettlebells?
If by results you mean weight loss, how does 14lbs off in 4 weeks sound? Or 20lbs in 6 weeks? Many many people have done this in our 4, 6 or 8 week programs. Commit to the process and you will get the result. We guarantee it!
Is kettlebells cardio or strength?
It’s both and that is a unique benefit to kettlebell training that no other training option can provide. Exercises like swings and snatches are excellent for cardiovascular development, but yet will also strengthen the abs, glutes, hamstrings, and back muscles.
Kettlebell cardio training is strength training.
What is the best way to start kettlebell training?
We recommend people learn how to hip hinge first by practicing the deadlift. For kettlebell training, this is a fundamental movement pattern to learn and master. When you can do this without having to think too much about what you’re doing, you’re ready to move onto something more complex. That would be the kettlebell swing.