Our Blog
Product review – Pull up Mate!
The pull up mate is a portable piece of kit for training pull ups, chin ups dips and a few other body weight exercises. It comes with a bag for transportation and is easily clicked together in a few minutes. Now before I begin I should just say that at 6ft, 4inches...
Can Kettlebells build muscle?
Can kettlebells build muscle ? Last time I checked there are about 3 million different exercises you can do with a kettlebell, so which ones are good for building muscle and which ones are not? Furthermore, kettlebells are often thought of as a cardio or strength...
How to Hip Hinge – The complete guide
Unless you've been involved in kettlebell training, powerlifting or olympic weight lifting you might not have come across the term "hip hinge" before. Hopefully if you went to a kettlebell class or you used kettlebells with a personal trainer, they first taught...
Back pain during Kettlebell swings – The top 3 reasons
Experiencing back pain during or after performing kettlebell swings? Here are the 3 most common reasons I see after teaching for 15 years. Back pain reason 1 - Squatting your swing The first thing to check is to see if you're squatting your swing. This is highly...
Working out vs Training
Working out versus training What is the difference between working out and training, and does it even matter? To begin, let's get a definition of each of these so that we understand the differences. How do we define working out ? Working out is...
Members profile – Helen Matheson
What led you to kettlebells and training in our classes? I think it was curiosity initially, I’d been doing a lot of HIIT workouts, killing myself each and every time to get fit, and I was just wondering if there was something different I could be doing that still had...
Member profile – Kelly Cotter
What led you to sign up at the kettlebell club and swing heavy weights? It was six months after I had given birth to my daughter and I wanted something that would help me get back into shape, but not going to a gym. A friend of mine was training with the club and...
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