Some very very awesome results last week, lots of club members moving up in weight and achieving better scores.

Its been a while since the last test, and I think its safe to say the ten minute test has definitely been put to bed since no one wanted to take part!!

Well apart from Dave and Kay that is! Well done guys, awesome results too!

Dave hit 146 with the 20kg and Kay hit over 200 with the 12kg!


So now that we are using the 5 min test, there has been a huge sigh of relief and we now have more taking part.

I am super impressed with those that took part, its staggering to see just how far some of you have come!

Vikki who must weigh all of 9 stone, (sorry Vikki if I got that wrong) achieved 130 reps with the 14kg, and then came back two days later to take on the 16kg and got 112!!

Naomi who has not attempted a snatch test before wasn’t happy with her 132 reps with the 10kg came back two days later to get 133 with the 12kg!!

James wasn’t happy with getting 80 reps with the 20kg so came back two days later to get the 100 in 5 mins!

Liam came back two days later (after smashing it with the 16kg) to take on the 20kg and also got the 100 in 5!

Seriously, I am loving the drive and enthusiasm some of you have displayed, its absolutely brilliant!

There was couple of very near misses! Dave was 4 reps short of the 100 with the 20kg and also Sara who has never snatched a 12kg before missed the 100 by 2 reps!! Never mind guys you will definitely smash it next time!

So all in all a very eventful week, lots of personal best’s and mental barriers being smashed!!

The snatch test will truly take you out of your comfort zone, but as we all know, this is where you will see amazing results, not only physically but mentally.

Here is the full list of scores.


Sam Murray – 123 reps with the 16kg

Claire Wilson – 119 reps with the 16kg

Vikki Hill – 112 reps with the 16kg

Kirsty Merrett – 112 reps with the 14kg

Julie Barrett – 133 reps with the 12kg

Naomi Lerway – 133 reps with the 12kg

Julie Baldwin – 115 reps with the 12kg

Kay – 114 reps with the 12kg

Heather – 114 reps with the 12kg

Glynis Moss – 109 reps with the 12kg

Jennie Kenning – 108 reps with the 12kg

Sara Feltham – 98 reps with the 12kg

Jennie Boardman – 114 reps with the 10kg



Grahame Duncan – 112 reps with the 20kg

John Bassi – 102 reps with the 20kg

Liam Smith – 100 reps with the 20kg

James Batten – 100 reps with the 20kg

Dave Thompson – 96 reps with the 20kg

Neil Crawford – 134 reps with the 16kg

Edward Iles – 118 reps with 16kg

Duncan Wilmot – 120 reps with the 14kg

Mike Leigh – 114 reps with the 14kg



I am very happy with these results and all of you guys should be too!

The next snatch test will be Jan/Feb time. Hopefully we will see some further improvement then too.

