June 2013 Fat loss contest results

Congratulations to Helen Hall and Rich Aitken, the winners of the June fat loss contest. Both had great results over the 4 weeks and saw a good drop in both fat percentage and pounds. There were 40 entrants in total, so prize money was £400 to be split between the...

Snatch test results 26/11/12

Some very very awesome results last week, lots of club members moving up in weight and achieving better scores. Its been a while since the last test, and I think its safe to say the ten minute test has definitely been put to bed since no one wanted to take part!! Well...

Quick full body strength workout

Training doesn’t need to be a long and laborious affair, 15, 20 or 30 min workouts are just as effective as (if not more effective in some cases) longer duration workouts. Choose compound exercises that work the major muscles groups as shown in this kettlebell...

Members profiles – Claire Wilson

Bristol Kettlebell club member – Claire Wilson When did you get into kettlebell training?  I started Training with Kettlebells in October 2010   What attracted you to kettlebell  training? Having been training in a more traditional personal training...