Snatch test results – June 2022

In the world of kettlebells, the 5 minute snatch test is one of the most demanding conditioning tests, the aim of which is to complete 100 reps with a given weight in the 5 minutes, this doesn’t leave much time for rest as 20 reps takes on average 45-50 seconds!...

Snatch test results – August 2013

Apologies getting this up so late guys!   Some amazing results once again, many moving up in the leader board snatching heavier bells or improving on their last score.   We have had the first female 20kg snatch test completed, by our very own Samantha Murray! This is...

Snatch test results 30th July 2012

Here at the Bristol kettlebell club we like to know that we are getting fitter and stronger month after month otherwise what is the point in training at all? Therefore we test our conditioning with a ballistic kettlebell exercise called the snatch. Its a high...

RKC snatch test (nearly)

So you may or may not know that I am currently training for the most prestigeous of kettlebell certifications the RKC level 1. To pass this gruelling 3 day event, trainees have to not only show excellent technique and form in the 6 main exercises, and show competence...